CEWIL Call for Proposals, 2024
CEWIL’S 2024 Conference, Reaching New Heights: 50 Years of leading quality WIL in Canada, will be taking place in Calgary, Alberta June 24-27, 2024. The Call for Proposals will open October 12, 2023. Our conference theme, "Reaching New Heights," is not just a phrase; it's a principle that embodies the spirit of growth, resilience, and progress that is so strong within our membership. Whether your program or institution is small or large, new or practiced - you are integral in shaping these principles and propelling us all forward.
This conference is being held on the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta. This includes the Blackfoot Confederacy, made up of the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai First Nations; the Îethka Nakoda Wîcastabi First Nations, comprised of the Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations; and the Tsuut’ina First Nation. Calgary is also home to Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3. We invite you to connect, learn and celebrate with us in Calgary, a gathering place traditionally know as Moh’kins’tsis (Blackfoot), Wîchîspa (Stoney Nakoda) Guts’ists’i (Tsuut’ina).
Dates to Remember
Call for proposals opens: October 12, 2023
Application Deadline: December 8, 2023
Evaluation of Proposals: December 11, 2023 – January 26, 2024
Notification of Acceptance: January 31, 2024
Deadline to accept the invitation to present at the conference: February 29, 2024
Conference dates: June 24-27, 2024
Conference Themes
Our conference theme, "Reaching New Heights," is not just a phrase; it's a principle that embodies the spirit of growth, resilience, and progress that is so strong within our membership. We invite submissions from emerging or established programs, practitioners, scholars, and employers to share experiences and expertise - we believe that the journey to new heights is a collective effort. Your unique perspectives, whether from the ground up or from the pinnacle of your field, can inspire and empower others to elevate their growth. To encourage the WIL student voice in presentations, CEWIL is offering a limited number of bursaries to student co-presenters. We would also like to continue to build capacity for French language in WIL so please consider offering your session in French.
Join us on this ascent towards greater heights in work-integrated learning, where every contribution propels us higher. We are especially looking for proposals related to the following sub-themes:
Leadership and Sustainability in WIL
In the dynamic landscape of today's global challenges, leadership that prioritizes sustainability has become a critical catalyst for positive change. Share with delegates your promising practices in scalability, economic viability, human and financial resource management in WIL; staff recruitment, retention, and wellness; or connecting WIL to the challenges facing our planet. This is your opportunity to highlight ways you prioritize long-term sustainability, fostering resilience and positive impact in your program or institution.
Promising Practices in WIL
Recognizing that work-integrated learning is an avenue for skill development, career readiness, and personal growth, we invite you to explore the array of promising practices that facilitate transformative learning journeys. Whether you have tried something new, or have tested and true practices, we want to hear how you support your programs and people. Whether your session focuses on a specific type of WIL or is relevant across all WIL typologies, we want to hear from you.
Commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Decolonization in WIL
Some of the most impactful innovations in our field relate to equitable and inclusive work-integrated learning, decolonizing work-integrated learning, removing barriers, creating accessible experiences, and championing the work of EDIA. We strongly encourage presentations connected to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion in WIL, Accessibility in programs, policies, and practices, sessions focused on decolonizing WIL, and sessions about work that centres Indigenous ways of knowing, being, doing and connecting in WIL.
Research and scholarship in WIL
Take an opportunity to shed light on the critical intersection of academic inquiry and real-world application. This subtheme emphasizes the importance of research and scholarship in advancing the field of work-integrated learning. We invite scholars, practitioners, and educators to share their groundbreaking studies, innovative approaches, and empirical findings, so we can advance the field by promoting research excellence, fostering collaboration, and inspiring evidence-based practices.
Advancing Innovative Experiential Education
We invite you to explore how we can collectively build the capacity of educators, institutions, and learners to excel in WIL’s transformative educational approach. From equipping educators with the tools to design experiential curricula, to fostering partnerships that enhance access to real-world learning opportunities, share your stories that amplify the transformative potential of experiential education
Emerging influences on WIL
Recognizing that WIL experiences are influenced by a spectrum of elements, we invite you to explore the diverse landscapes that impact how students, educators, and industry partners engage with these transformative learning opportunities. From managing time constraints and balancing academic commitments, to addressing communication gaps between educators and industry partners, we'll delve into the nuanced landscapes of work-integrated learning challenges. Whether it be employment trends, labour market, economy, community development, career development, future skills, gen Z values, or other trends, we want to hear how you respond to these ever-evolving factors that impact our work.
Presentation Formats
Summit (Ted Talk; 50 minutes)
Summit sessions are oral presentations, though we encourage speakers to include engaging and participatory elements in their talk. Please also be sure to include ample room for Q and A.
Hilltop Hike (Workshop; 50 minutes)
Hilltop Hike sessions are more workshop than presentation, where you play the role of facilitator rather than presenter. Just like a hike, these sessions are meant to be productive, participatory, and purposeful.
Failing Up (25 minutes)
No one has ever reached new heights without a misstep here and there that teaches us something new along the way. These 25-minute sessions allow you to showcase where you have tried something new that didn’t go as planned, what you learned, and how you took that learning on to a successful next step.
Mountaineer (Research or Data Sharing; 25 minutes)
Share the mountains of knowledge you’ve collected with the WIL community through your research, data collection, resource development, or other scholarly endeavour.
Blaze Your Own Trail (25 or 50 minutes)
Choose your own adventure! Or at least choose your own presentation option. Want to do a group adventure, a.k.a. panel presentation? Are you interested in hosting a campfire chat? We would love to hear about it. Please describe the presentation format and time frame you would like to propose. Feel free to connect with any questions you have or requirements that may be needed (jennien@cewilcanada.ca) in order to blaze your own trail.
Additional Information
Additional Information
Only electronic submissions will be accepted via our online submission portal.
Proposals will be accepted October 12, 2023 – December 8, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.
If you would like to see the full call for presentation here and/or prepare the answers in advance, see a pdf of the proposal questions here.
If you are submitting proposals for several sessions, you must complete one form for each session. *Please note: individuals can only be a presenter, co-presenter or panelist in a maximum of two sessions.
All speakers must agree to the Terms of Reference for Conference Speakers to be considered as a conference speaker.
Proposal Review and Selection Process
Review Committee: All proposals will be reviewed by at least two (2) reviewers. Proposals will be scored without speaker identifying information, to promote fairness and objectivity. Specifically, reviewers will be scoring proposals based on the following criteria:
Alignment and fit with conference theme and streams
Interactivity and accessibility to a diverse audience
Relevance to field of Work-Integrated Learning
Clear description of outcomes of the session for attendees
Innovative or novel concept or initiative that would be of interest to WIL audience
Download a copy of the submission form.